Building a cross toolchain for Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
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- Introduction
- Cross toolchain building utilities
- Generating cross toolchain using crosstool-ng for glibc C library
- Test the toolchain
A toolchain is a set of software development tools which are used at various stages of software development process. It’s a combination of following -
- Binutils - Binary utilities to create and manage the binaries. as, ld, ar, ranlib, objdump, readelf, size, nm, strings, objcopy and strip. More information can be found here.
- C/C++ libraries - Several C libraries available. glibc, uClibc, musl, klibc, newlib etc. A toolchain has one of the these libraries.
- C/C++ compiler - GCC : GNU compiler collection.
- GDB debugger - Not necessarily part of toolchain.
A cross toolchain is what used to create binaries for the target system. We are going to use a development PC (called host system) to build Embedded Linux using cross toolchain for the target system. Here the host system is a laptop or desktop with Ubuntu 18.04 or later. The targe system obviously the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.

Cross toolchain building utilities
Building a cross toolchain from scratch is difficult. Either we use the already available toolchain from vendor or we use toolchain build utilities like below to generate cross toolchian.
- Crosstool-ng - Dedicated to generate toolchain.
- Buildroot - Can build glibc, uClibc and musl based toolchains as well as compelte root filesystem.
- OpenEmbedded - Used to generate a complete root filesystem build system. Also used to generate toolchain.
Generating cross toolchain using crosstool-ng for glibc C library
Let’s create a folder called rpi3
in the home directory. We are going to develop complete Embedded Linux for RPI3 Model B in this directory.
mkdir -p ~/rpi3 && cd ~/rpi3
Download crosstool-ng
Run the following commands to download and install crosstool-ng build tool.
git clone
cd crosstool-ng/
## Tested until the following commit id.
git checkout 75d7525a
Configure and compile the build tool
./configure --enable-local
make -j`nproc`
Above will install crosstool-ng locally.
Configure the build tool
./ct-ng list-samples
command shows the pre defined configurations for different setups (arch: armv7, armv8, aarch64 etc., library : uClibc, libc etc.) for different platforms.
Let’s generate toolchain (64bit) for ARMv8 architecture and libc library. ct-ng
has pre defined configuration for RPI3 Model B.
./ct-ng aarch64-rpi3-linux-gnu
By default the standard library is glibc
./ct-ng menuconfig
- In Paths and misc options, change Maximum log level to see to DEBUG.
- In Operating system, select Version of Linux as 4.19.105 as we are going to use this version of Linux in the subsequent tutorials.
- In Debug facilites, disable all options for now as it takes forever to compile.
Build toolchain
./ct-ng build
Now the toolchain is installed in ~/x-tools directory. Add this $HOME/x-tools/aarch64-rpi3-linux-gnu/bin/ to PATH env varibale in .bashrc so that it can be detected for compiling the binaries.
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/x-tools/aarch64-rpi3-linux-gnu/bin/' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Test the toolchain
Write a sample C program to cross compile with toolchain
file : dummy.c
int main(void)
return 0;
Compile the program with cross toolchain
aarch64-rpi3-linux-gnu-gcc dummy.c -o dummy
You shouldn’t see any error or warnings.
Check the binary architecture
file dummy
You should see output similar to the following. The output must have words ARM aarch64
dummy: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 4.19.105, with debug_info, not stripped